Guide To NTU Grading System in Singapore

The NTU is widely known to prepare students for their future professions effectively. They ascertain their grading system is unique and helps them as they are among the world’s most popular colleges. From the grading strategies deployed at NTU, the main intention is to help the learners determine their fitness to prepare for the real world. The following philosophies guide the 5-point grading system used to assign grades to students:

  • The Degree Algorithm: In that light, it is this performance that the university rewards its students based on the performance. Students who have been receiving first-class standards have always scored high marks on all the modules available. These scores on your report cards ensure your future readiness to capture future opportunities over competitors. 
  • Assessment Based on Grades: Students in this situation get grades using a 17 grade scale. The grades hierarchy used for all work. Through this students’ work is matched against the written descriptors present in the grading plan. These help students on where they stand regarding their performances, what they have to do to improve and get better grades. 
  • Terminations in Academics: These students who most times perform poorly in their papers will not be embraced by NTU. Any student who fails to achieve a cumulative GPA more than 2.0 in the three consecutive semesters is either dismissed or placed under probation. Due to the mentioned measures, students have to try a lot and even keep a good GPA in order to further their university study. 

Also, grading promotes the comparison of students by their performance when they join college. It helps to determine improvement in student learning. It makes it possible for the students to concentrate on the areas they have problems with and also interact with their lecturers. Grades make you set goals for yourself, goals that change how you approach your coursework. 

But one more thing, your first job or your college admissions also depend on the GPA. Taking into account all the listed factors, the grades define one’s entire career, hence, you need to keep on striving for better grades to grasp the best possible future opportunities. 

Grade Calculation

The NTU grading system also has a rather unique distribution. I know the grading scheme already. But the topic, what criteria the university takes into consideration while grading the pupils, arises. NTU prioritizes all three: just like other universities, participation in university activities, tests, and classes, and etc. That way, students taking courses offered under NTU will have to acquire the necessary skills for them to earn the best results. 

Depending on the course that the student is taking, each one of them is going to have a different weight. The participation weight on the other hand, sits at between the scale of 5% and 10%. If you still have not enrolled in the course, you can clear your doubts with your lecturer regarding the weighting. It will help you structure your learning process properly and guide you throughout that process.

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