Interview Questions : 8 Tricky Questions You Must Know To Answer

Your resume has successfully created an impression on the recruiter! You have been scheduled for the internship interview. What do we do in the meantime? To keep your confidence level high, we will arrive well-prepared on the day of your interview. If you have attended an interview before, you will have an idea of the tricky patterns that their questions are set. If this is your first time, then the 10 most inevitable interview questions and answers Topgrademakers have presented will help you during the interview and keep you confident.

What are the most common interview questions and answers?

Introduce yourself / Tell us something about yourself

How did you come to know about the hiring for this role?

Why do you want to apply for this internship / What do you want to achieve from this internship?

What are your Biggest Strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

Tell us what you think of our company.

What makes you perfect for the role.

Discuss about the biggest challenge you faced in your life and how did you manage it?

Do you have any questions for us?

Introduce yourself / Tell us something about yourself

This is one of the trickier interview questions that you will be asked. Generally, we introduce ourselves to new people often. However, when we get asked this question during an interview, we must remember that the recruiter is not interested in listening to your 5th-grade exam score or your favourite dish. The interviewer’s purpose behind asking this question is to start with knowing the fundamentals about you and check the relevancy with the requirement for the role.


  • Showcase relevant key skills and qualities required for the role
  • Begin with your name,
  • residential locality,
  • educational background,
  • since when you have been involved in the profession,
  • what do you most love about the profession,
  •  if possible, then highlight 2 achievements that are relevant to the role you have applied for.

How did you come to know about the hiring for this role?

While answering to one of these tricky interview questions, you must remember that this is your chance to showcase your interest, affection and loyalty to the company.

  • Let them know that you have been waiting for this opportunity
  • Showcase your interest in a way that makes it seem as if it is your dream opportunity, even though it is not
  • Mention the source

Why do you want to apply for this internship / What do you want to achieve from this internship?

The interviewer is trying to measure your passion for achieving your career goals and your expectations from the company in regard to achieving your career goals. This is your chance to showcase your passion, values, experience and efficiency to impress your recruiter.

What are your Biggest Strengths?

Pick up a minimum of 3 core skills that makes you the perfect fit for the role. Highlight skills if only you are truly good at them, as you might get asked questions about such strength factors you mention.

What are your weaknesses?

Perhaps this will be the trickiest of all interview questions you will be asked. While answering the question, remember these key factors:

  • Your interviewer is aware that it is normal for everyone to have some weakness in some particular aspect. Therefore do not lie about not having any weaknesses at all.
  • Mention a weakness that does not appear to be fatal for the role in which you will be working. For example- If you are applying for an internship role as a computer programmer, and you reply that your weakness remains in understanding Java, you are not getting a call from your recruiter again.
  • In the same situation, try to come up with realistic weaknesses which may not prove to be causing any fatal impact on your performance or less efficiency as you carry out your responsibilities. For example- You may reply that your communication is your weakest area and you are working on it if you are applying for an internship role as a software engineer.

Tell us what you think of our company.

The sixth most common question is asked in an interview. The chances of getting hired for the internship are more if you have researched the company. This is very simple; suppose you were in the place of the recruiter and you had to pick between two candidates; One has sharp skills yet does not have any slightest information about the company; on the other hand, the second also excels in skills and meets all the requirements, and he has also spent time in researching and knowing about your company; Which candidate will you hire? Quite obvious, the candidate who had shown interest in researching your company, because he has a more precise idea of how the operations and management run and basic company norms and policies.

What makes you perfect for the role?

When applying for an internship, you can expect to be asked this interview question.

  •  Simply showcase your skills and talents but at the same time, make sure that you are not bragging too much.
  • You have to present your skills and specialities and yet stay humble and modest. For example- you can tell that you have done a professional course, or your dad was in the same profession, and you gained much knowledge through him.

Discuss about the biggest challenge you faced in your life and how did you manage it?

This question out of all interview questions may sound straightforward, but it is important to know the concern of the recruiter behind this question. The recruiter is trying to see how you handle and manage tasks within a given timeline. The essential key points while answering this question is:

  • Go into in-depth details,
  • How you researched
  • How you strategically divide the tasks to finish within a timeline
  • Describe how you came up with solutions to arising problems.

Do you have any questions for us?

Keep the questions prepared to ask at the end of the interview that you may be wondering. Present around 2-3 questions showing that you have researched the company and are eager to know about your responsibilities in the company. For further guidance, you can get sample interview questions and answers by contacting,

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