SAT Test Preparation Tutorial : How to Prepare for the Exam?

What is an SAT test? Students who have just about set their minds to appear for the exam, may not know a whole lot. That’s why, before diving into the SAT test preparation tutorial, we have discussed about the term SAT. SAT stands for the Scholastic Assessment Test, and it is an entrance exam conducted by most colleges and universities in the US. The exam is designed, in a way, to examine the eligibility of high school students and whether or not they are ready to proceed with their education in college. Aspirant students attempt practice tests in large volume before the actual exam date.

The exam includes multiple-choice questions with a time limit of three hours. This entrance test is mainly conducted on two subjects, and those are- 1) Math and 2) Evidence-Based Reading and Writing. How to register for the exam? A high school student can apply for the test from the registration link by simply checking the college or university’s official website. The deadline to apply for this test is approximately 5 weeks before a test is scheduled.

SAT Preparation Hack #1 : Choosing a Slot for the SAT exam

In our first SAT preparation hack, we have suggested to stress on this factor. It is recommended to choose a date for the exam at least 2-3 months in advance. Since you have enough time, you can spend time in planning your SAT preparation strategies. Moreover, it is important to plan in advance so that your scheduled exam fits in properly without interrupting any important events.

Understand the Question Paper Pattern of the SAT Exam

If you learn about the structure of the test paper, exam instructions and patterns of questions, it will save you from wasting time reading and understanding the question paper during the exam. We would suggest you to check sample SAT test question papers and previous test question papers from online or bookstores.

SAT Preparation Hack #3

There are loads of reading materials available online, and you can also follow reference books, which includes question suggestions, solved questions with answers, and question patterns with complete SAT practice test.

SAT Preparation Hack #4 : Join Classes

There are some schools which offer tutoring and study assistance for SAT preparation. However, if those study programs are not offered in your school, do not hesitate to look for tuition classes, or our SAT test preparation tutorial if you need guidance. Tutors are a great guide in assisting you whenever you stumble upon a point. Thus, it makes it easier to make progress on the exam preparation.

Attempt Practice Tests

When you attempt practice tests, you are solving sufficient mathematical problems. In a SAT test, you will get a list of formulas which can be used while solving the problems. Having a keen idea of formulas and remembering them can save you a lot of time in answering other questions. Put yourself into a self-test using a timer, and ensure that you can finish the practice tests quicker with each attempt. Thus, it puts your ability to the test to manage to answer the questions with time.

Work on your Vocabulary

In addition to taking tests, you must also focus on reading books, newspapers and articles to improve your vocabulary. This way, you will find new words. This unique skill equipment will help you to understand the comprehensive passages quickly. Working on your vocabulary prepares you for the test and serves as an advantage in many aspects of your life.

To get personal attention with evidence-based reading and writing for SAT exams. Stay one step ahead with our SAT test preparation tutorial at

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