With The  Conclusion Paragraph Of A Research Paper How To Avoid Destroying Such Paper?

The conclusion paragraph of a research paper holds a vital position with regards to programme and compactness of the overall report. It is the last chance to impact the reader and at the same time, encapsulate a brief reiteration of the conclusions and recommendations obtained from the study. Here’s how to craft a proper conclusion paragraph of a research paper and avoid undermining the quality of your research paper:

1) Summarize Key Points:

It is recommended to make the conclusion paragraph of a research paper start with the summary of the main points and the arguments stated in the paper. In the light of the above realizations, it is worthy to come back to the research question or objective and demonstrate key findings/results from the study. This in a way complements the relevance of the research and offers a way to conclude the discussion.

2) Avoid Introducing New Information:

The first of the stipulated objectives of the conclusion paragraph of a research paper is to evaluate the information found in the body of the paper. It is inadvisable to bring in new thinking, arguments, evidence, or any form of information in the conclusion section. Reporting new information here may mislead the reader and destroy the flow of the research paper.

3) Reflect on the Research Process:

It is important to examine any difficulties or restrictions that you met during your study and how they may have affected your research result and reflect on the research process. Explaining about the process of the research work shows that the writer is able to think critically and has self-awareness skills, which offer a background to understanding the findings.

4) Discuss Implications and Significance:

In the conclusion paragraph of a research paper, it is important to examine the generality of the finding of the study and its application to various fields of study/human life. How does the findings of your research augment the pre-existing knowledge in the chosen field? What are the implications or uses for the data or information generated in your research? Answering these questions allows you to situate your work within the larger body or academic or practitioner-related activity, as the case may be.

5) Suggest Future Directions:

Mention any other investigation or study that can be conducted in the future that may extend from your work. Explain the potential limitations and/or further research possibilities, which the generated outcomes might have revealed. This means that your research contributes to the current academic discourse and it also provokes other scholars to further the research.

6) Maintain a Strong, Positive Tone:

A good conclusion paragraph is often written in a positive mood which underlines the relevance and significance of your work. Don’t leave the reader with a feeling that the work has ended at a low note, or halfway through a conversation. Rather, share the reader with an understanding that the study is concluded and that there is sound assurance in the relevance of the findings.

7) Avoiding Pitfalls:

  • Repetition: It is best not to reiterate what was said in the introduction or the body of the paper with no more than that.
  • Overgeneralization: In your conclusions always call for evidence and do not generalize your conclusions based on assumptions which are not rooted in your research.
  • Lack of Closure: The conclusion paragraph of a research paper should give the reader a feeling of resolution; therefore, the Conclusion should include some of the important points discussed and reiterate the importance of the study.

Following these guidelines and / or creating a strong conclusion paragraph of a research paper, you will be assured of having written a non-subpar research paper that will have impacted the reader profoundly. A good conclusion paragraph is not only an extension of the recommendations or implications but presents the evidence and impact of your study and future directions.

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