Cover Letter for Internship: 8 Best Tips for Students

How to Write a Cover Letter for Internship?

An internship application letter should be written professionally to present all your skills and eligibility. A proper letter format plays the main role based on which your profile gets preferences. A cover letter contains all your merits and skills and is a way of communicating to the recruiter through this written format. Writing this letter for the first time can be a nightmare, as it is the first way of communication between you and the recruiter. Topgrademakers have compiled the 8 major steps which are mandatory to follow to write a cover letter for internship.

The Header

The internship letter format should include a formally appearing header containing your full contact details. The contact details are normally enlisted in your CV. However, adding a header with your full contact details will remind your recruiters that you are eager to have a word with them soon.

A Proper Greeting Section

This greeting segment is common in almost all cover letter templates. Address the recruiter by their name at the beginning if possible. This will build a direct connection between you and the recruiter.

Mention the Role You are Applying for

Indicate the role you are interested in applying for and portray your skills and efficiencies. Therefore, once they read your cover letter, they understand you are an eligible and deserving candidate for the role.

Place the Correct Keywords in your Cover Letter

The recruiters often filter the internship application letters by keywords which are related to their requirements for the internship role. Visit that company’s official website and do some research; also, read the job roles, description, and requirements to learn about the correct keywords to add.

Mention the Courses you have Completed.

If you are a fresher, include course completion details and information in your internship application letter which is relevant to the internship role. This coursework display will show the recruiters that you have sufficient knowledge to carry out your responsibilities.

Save a Place in your Internship Letter Format to Add Your Skills

Do not forget to save spaces in the body of your cover letter to highlight the essential and unique skills that let you carry out your work innovatively.

Explain Your Worth

After mentioning your qualifications and skills, as we have discussed previously, a cover letter for an internshipis a communication tool. The structure of the letter should be able to answer the queries of your recruiters beforehand; the more it can clear their queries, the better.

Clarify Your Goals

In this section of the application letter, the candidate should describe his aims and objectives concerning the internship. The candidate can consider answering the following questions while writing this segment:

What does he want to achieve from this internship?

How can this internship help you to achieve your goal?

By following this internship letter format, you can write the letter. But remember, reading your cover letter thoroughly is crucial before submitting it. You can enlist our professional proofreaders  to improve the quality of the presentation, or you can also get a professional cover letter by contacting

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