How to Write a Research Statement?

A research statement is frequently required for graduate school applications or academic employment applications. A research statement is a written overview of an applicant’s research experience provided to the selection committee. You should adhere to a consistent structure, format, and style when writing your research statement to impress the selection committee. This blog post will be beneficial if you are looking for how to write a research statement.

What is a Research Statement?

A research statement summarises the applicant’s accomplishments, present and future work, and potential work. Most educational institutions require applicants to present a research statement. The research statement usually helps the committee determine whether a candidate is the best fit for the programme or institution given their experiences and areas of research interest.

The Process of Writing a Research Statement

Writing a research statement has numerous advantages. In order to draw the committee’s attention while applying for a job or programme, you should design a clear, concise research statement. Do you know how to write a research statement? If you still need to, be sure to read this blog and learn how to write a research statement.

Organise your study paper.

Write the research statement and organise it.

Edit and format the study statement.

Planning a Research Statement

First, sketch out the contents of your research statement before you start writing it. The crucial factors you should take into account when planning are listed below.

  • Determine the primary ideas and inquiries that guide you.
  • Write down the significance of your research.
  • Discuss your prospective areas of research interest.
  • Describe the difficulties you have encountered and the research issues you have resolved.

Make sure you examine yourself and consider relevant ideas to include in your research statement. Your chances of impressing the reviewers will rise if you address all of these details in a kind and comprehending manner.

Writing a Research Statement

In addition to preparing, you can use the concepts you have gathered to construct a compelling research statement. A simple format for the research statement can be created by using components such as an introduction, body, and conclusion.


This is where you should explain to the readers why you conducted the research. You should also describe your area of interest and the process by which it emerged.


In this section, you should demonstrate your qualifications to the readers. You should enumerate all of your academic proficiencies, competencies, etc., here.


In your conclusion, briefly describe your motivation for applying. Ideally, you should identify your objective and provide a plan of action to reach it.

Emphasise your contributions in your research statement if you are applying for funding. Additionally, describe how you will efficiently use the funding for research.

Editing and Formatting Research Statements

Structure, format, and style are important when writing a research statement. A few crucial pointers you should remember when formatting your study statement are covered below.

  • Speak in a formal, courteous manner.
  • Never speak in technical terms. The research statement must be comprehensible to people not affiliated with your area of expertise.
  • When describing your present-day and upcoming projects, use the present tense. Use the past tense to describe accomplishments and finished research.
  • There should be at most three pages in the whole thing. A maximum of one or two pages are allowed. Your reviewer might decide to only read the entire research statement if it is shorter.
  • Use single spacing and font size 11 or 12 while writing the research statement.

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