How To Write a Synopsis for an Assignment?

A synopsis is a concise description or outline of an entire piece of writing. A synopsis is similar to a summary but differs in that it includes the plot’s specifics and its resolution. Because the primary objective of the synopsis is to persuade readers, viewers, buyers, or players to engage with a work, it is imperative to write a synopsis that addresses the work’s central conflict and resolution (problem and solution). A good writer who knows how to write a synopsis can easily make readers understand a work’s plot and tone.

In contrast to a narrative (story or account of events) synopsis, which gives the audience the story’s plot, identifies the main characters, and offers a satisfying conclusion or ending, an academic synopsis summarises the key points of academic work and provides a preview of the issues that will be covered. Synopses can be prepared for various publications (both fictional and factual), including newspapers, films, novels, scholarly journals, television shows, games, and applications for project financing.

Parts of an Academic Synopsis

An academic summary, often known as an “abstract,” will typically contain the following information:

  • Informational background about the subject and the area of the problem that the assignment addresses
  • A central query, notion, or assertion to which you must provide an answer (thesis or research topic)
  • Important details about the subject that are already well-known
  • The assignment’s justification (its primary goal and purpose, for instance, a gap in the material currently available)
  • a description of the key concepts or points

How to begin a research paper (abstract)

  • Read the entire article, journal, chapter, or book.
  • Clearly define its justification, thesis, or objectives.
  • Please briefly explain its methodology (how the data was acquired or chosen).
  • List the main conclusions or points it makes. Look for the primary point in these paragraphs or sections since each makes one in the main body.
  • Describe the outcome.

Regardless of the time or perspective of the work, always write your summary in the third person, in the present tense, and with an active voice. Doing so keep the reader’s interest and make the story flow naturally.

Formatting a synopsis

The average length of a synopsis is between 500 and 800 words, with a 12-point typeface. Character names in bold uppercase letters usually have a single or 1.5 spacing. The margins around paragraphs are one inch. To be safe, always double-check an agent’s or publisher’s requirements.

Use the suggested writing format for your school, college, or university while writing a synopsis, although generally speaking, indented paragraphs, font size 12, and one-inch margins are needed.

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