Practical Skills for Students and How to Acquire Them

Aside from classroom education, practical skills for students is equally important to equip. Classroom education imparts theoretical knowledge, but with practical implementation, you will retain the knowledge for long time. Practical skills help us to perform activities of our day-to-day life efficiently. Such skill sets teach us to survive and adapt faster to real-life situations.

            In this blog, you will find how to acquire practical skills while you are pursuing school or university. Before we look down on all the sources where you can equip various practical skills with a flexible schedule, sitting at your home, let us show you the different aspects of practical skills.

  • Hard skills
  • Soft skills
  • Life skills

9 Online Sources to Acquire Practical Skills for Students

Why use online sources to learn practical skills? The present-day academic life is stressful. While pursuing academics, you must attend school/college, which starts and ends within a fixed period of time everyday. Therefore, you can’t participate in extra classes to learn additional skills apart from academics. Moreover, if you join offline classes, time flexibility is often not guaranteed. Students need to spend a lot of time when they need to write assignments or homework, and also intense pressure lies in finishing the syllabus before an exam or quiz.

 Learning from an online source allows you to learn at your convenience. In this way, you can better organize your daily tasks, manage time, and even easily change one or a few activities in your schedule.

  • TED: TED, also known as Technology Entertainment Design, is a non-profit foundation. Through thousands of podcasts and short series, you will learn new ideas, opinions and theories on science, education, arts, global issues, and business trends.
  • Academic Earth: The online platform is rich in tutorials and contains basic information on the topics you seek. There is no doubt about the reliability of the information in this source because universities like Stanford and Dartmouth deliver tutorials and content on this platform.
  • Hack Design: Are you interested in learning web design? Designing courses is an interesting place for creative students. Therefore, Hack Design provides you with a platform where you can learn digital design. Here, you can participate in live interactive sessions, asking your doubts trainer and sitting back while concentrating on their lecture.
  • Memrise: Memrise is the platform for you if you are crazy about exploring the languages of different communities and nations. Also, if you like to make friends who speak international languages, You can comfortably communicate with your friends after joining this platform.
  • Coursera: The best online source of tutorials for your summer vacation. If you want to spend your summer vacation more productively, consider Coursera. Coursera offers thousands of university courses free of cost.
  • SchoolTube: Here you will find thousands of educational videos. This community is mainly a collection of communities from different schools. Therefore, students can join different communities and interact with students from different educational cultures.

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