Different Types of Essays (Part 1)

Different Types of Essays You Need to Be Know Before Receiving an Assignment

While surfing the huge waves of academic assignments, you are familiar with the four major types of essay assignments. Most of the essay assignment tasks you must submit before the deadline till now are mainly narrative, descriptive, argumentative, expository, and persuasive. In addition to these major essay types, there are other different types of essays which you should check out in second part. In this article, we will discuss the five major essay types.

1. Narrative Essay  2. Descriptive Essays  
3. Argumentative Essays  4. Expository Essays  
5. Persuasive Essay  -Evaluation Essays  
-Informative Essays                           -Cause and Effect Essays  
-Personal Narrative Essays  -Process Essays  
-Reflective Essays                   -Synthesis Essay  
-Definition Essay  -Compare and Contrast Essays  
-Analytical Essay   
Table of Different Types of Essays

Narrative Essay

Learning narrative essay can be an interesting assignment task for creative students. In this particular essay, you need to maintain a proper tone of language and writing flow which keeps the reader curious and immersed when reading a story. In this type of essay, you will get scopes to portray your creativity and opinions.

Descriptive Essay

Speaking of transparency among all the different types of essays, the descriptive essay already defines itself with its term. Starting a descriptive essay has only one aim, which is to describe. In this kind of essay assignment, you may be instructed to elaborate a topic. This is where the challenge lies. The best way to write a good descriptive essay is to select a good topic.

Argumentative Essay

The best argumentative essay needs keen observation and analysis of the topic. In this essay, you need to present facts and ideas and include strong evidence to prove the validity of your statements.

 Once you receive the essay topic, you must perform flawless research with great attention to detail.

Expository Essay

The key to writing a good expository essay is research and critical thinking. Like argumentative, you need to put the same intense level of research. The biggest example of a good expository essay is the newspaper. Therefore, if you habitually read newspapers regularly, you will have a great idea of language tone and find it easy to maintain a smoother flow of writing.

Persuasive Essay

The easiest way to understand a persuasive essay is to remember that the language, tone, and way of persuasive essay writing are exactly the opposite of that of an expository essay. An Effective persuasive writing mainly focuses on personal opinion. You need to present your opinion and your point of view in a way that can convince the readers to believe your facts and way of judging and seeing a specific matter.

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