Advice for getting through the first year as a nurse

A hard-earned degree is worth celebrating. However, your career as a nurse has just begun. Your first year as a nurse will be full of hurdles and challenges. Yes, you have studied well and acquired a strong concept of the fundamentals of nursing, and you practised well and attended all the practical sessions. Still, when you get your first job in nursing, it is inevitable to make mistakes. Nervousness is normal as you need to bear responsibilities, but don’t think incapable of yourself.

To help you successfully survive the first year as a nurse, Topgrademakers have come up with a few pieces of advice that are mandatory for every nurse to know while in the first year of nursing job.

Ask Questions

If you have only focussed on your studies and believed in solving your queries and doubts through research, this may not be the solution when working as a professional nurse. Respect your seniors, and ask them whenever you have doubts about anything. Senior nurses possess experience, and asking questions may clear doubts. Once you learn something, it will count as an experience. In nursing, making mistakes may even put the patient in danger.

Graduating is the end of all struggles.

Yes, earning a nursing degree takes great hardship and effort. During the entire course, you are worried about securing your first job. However, that is just the start.

Nursing is a job of responsibility, so the curriculum is tough to make the candidate knowledgeable and fit for the job role. But once you begin your nursing career, there will be a few stressful nights now and then.

Remember That Patients are Your Responsibility to Care

A nurse’s key responsibilities are to check patients’ progress often, deliver care, communicate with the team, and document every task you have done. Although nursing is a busy job, you must remember the priority, i.e. patients.

Get to know your coworkers and develop friendships

It may sound strange if you have not learned this till now, but during your first hospitality engagement survey, you need to answer this question: “Do you have a best friend?”. It will make your first year much easier if you become friends with a coworker or two. Making friends at work, you can expect a lot of support. Remember to say hello when you are crossing paths with them and ask them how their day went if you both have time.

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