Stress Management For Nurses

#1: Work on deep breathing

If you have a minute or two to escape away into the break room or simply enough time to stop and take a few deep breaths. Stress management for nurses includes deep breathing exercises, which you may do at any time.

Deep breathing can reduce stress, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system and oxygenates the brain. Additionally, it can assist in bringing down your heart rate and easing bodily tension.

#2: Discuss your stress

You are not the first (or the last) nurse to go through stressful times at work. Speaking with other employees might not only help you release some of the tension and annoyance you’ve been holding inside, but it can also make you feel validated because others are experiencing and feeling the same things you are. You can pick up some excellent coping skills from mentors and fellow nurses that you may use independently.

If your stress and anxiety become too much to handle, it is a good idea to let your healthcare professional know. Don’t hesitate to use your resources; ask your healthcare provider for further assistance. You can also take advice that your seniors have applied to survive the first year as a nurse.

#3: Take Up a New Interest or Rekindle an Old One

What makes you happy besides giving to those in need?

Studies have demonstrated that a hobby is the best stress management for nurses, can encourage self-expression and reduce stress. Making time for your favourite pastimes or interests is a terrific strategy supporting the elusive work-life balance concept.

#4: Schedule some exercise.

Of course, exercise is only one thing on your mind after a 12-hour workday.

But research shows that exercise is a good way to alleviate stress. Exercise can increase endorphin levels in the brain, which can help with stress reduction and sleep improvement. Exercise also can reduce stress-related bodily reactions, including cortisol and adrenaline levels.

The 10,000 steps you logged on your FitBit throughout your shift are not enough exercise to reduce stress.

Try including exercise in your daily routine. It can be a fast run or a 15-minute workout you followed along with on YouTube. Watch if it makes a difference in your ability to manage stress and your energy levels.

#5: Engage in meditation.

One of the best tools for stress management is the capacity to quiet your mind and concentrate on the here and now.

Even for individuals who have never meditated before, deep breathing and meditation exercises have been shown to lower stress reactions and encourage relaxation.

These days, it’s simple to incorporate breathing exercises and meditation into your daily practice. Many applications, including Calm and Headspace, provide guided meditations that anybody can use.

#6: Obtain Enough Sleep

Stress makes it difficult to sleep at night. You start getting anxious when you lay in bed because you can’t fall asleep. The vicious loop keeps going.

Sometimes it’s easier to say than to do to get enough sleep at night. However, it has been demonstrated that obtaining enough sleep at night considerably lowers feelings of tension and worry.

Adults are advised to sleep for at least seven hours each night. Consider developing a nighttime routine to assist you in getting adequate sleep at night.

#7: Limit your time spent on social media and news websites.

It should come as no surprise that media and news can occasionally be unpleasant or overpowering.

Negative news from social media and news sources has been linked in studies to increased levels of anxiety and sadness.

The combination of bad news and stress from the workplace might leave one feeling utterly dejected and hopeless. Take a break from your screen if you feel that bad news is making your emotions and tension worse. Try including more enjoyable activities in your daily routine. You can spend time with family or engage in a hobby.

#8: Request Assistance From Your Management

Experiencing stress is a common occurrence in the field of nursing. You can rely on the help of your mentors and management if you are feeling anxious and overwhelmed. They can direct you to a variety of options for nursing stress management.

Our recruiters at Trusted Nurse Staffing make it a point to follow up with our nurses to see whether they require additional support with stress management or any other workplace-related issues.

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